Premium travel for the New Year for dizzying emotions and adventures

Маршрут тура в Намибию на Новый год 2022

  • Hundreds of popular locations in Namibia: Spitzkoppi, Sandwich Harbor, Fish River Canyon and others
  • Activities and a new experience: from climbing the red dunes to going out into the ocean on a catamaran
  • Daily safari - both in national parks and in the ocean, and simply while moving between regions
  • A dozen new friends, tested by the desert and wild animals that you just don't know yet
Hundreds of popular locations in Namibia: Spitzkoppi, Sandwich Harbor, Fish River Canyon and others
Daily safari - both in national parks and in the ocean, and simply while moving between regions
Activities and a new experience: from climbing the red dunes to going out into the ocean on a catamaran
A dozen new friends, tested by the desert and wild animals that you just don't know yet
December 29 to January 8
or December 29 to January 9
Modern SUVs
We live in atmospheric lodges for two people
Let's walk the dunes and meet the sunrises


Namibia is a country full of contrasts, wild and at the same time one of the most peaceful in the African region.

It attracts travelers with the world's tallest dunes and, of course, safaris. Sandy deserts, swampy plains, ocean coast and mountainous plateaus.
There are practically no paved roads and even outside the parks you can find a giraffe, elephant or lion.
And we have combined the format of the expedition with the most comfortable conditions.

We will go to the most remote corners of the country, where there is no infrastructure, roads and classic hotels, but there are deserts and dunes, wild animals and luxury lodges. We will go out into the open ocean and see whales, dolphins and fur seals. Let's go on a safari and celebrate the New Year in the company of friends we just don't know yet.
#мывНамибии #Виндхук #Этоша
In the morning we meet you and other participants at Windhoek airport. We hop into our SUVs and drive to a restaurant for our first lunch together to get to know each other, discuss plans and get ready for adventure.
After a meal, we move to the north of the country towards the Etosha National Park. Today we will drive about 450 km and stop for the night at the Gondwana Etosha Safari Lodge, where there is nothing and no one around except for wildlife.
At lunchtime we will stop at a crocodile farm to see and learn how crocodiles live.
In the evening we will check into the lodge, where we will spend three nights. This is the best lodge in the national park area, so you will be amazed by both the accommodation and the view from the restaurant.
#сафари #корольлев #вживую
Today, footage from The Lion King will come to life as we go on a game drive in search of wild animals. Zebras, giraffes, wildebeest, kudu, elephants. And if we're lucky, we'll see a lion or a cheetah.
In the morning we leave for the Etosha National Park. The fundamental difference between the park is that you can take a short instruction and drive your own car into the park. Thanks to this, the spirit and excitement of the safari is felt many times over.
Etosha is a nature reserve in the north of Namibia, one of the largest national parks in the country.
The park is home to a large number of wild animals. There are 144 species of mammals, including the bush elephant, black rhinoceros, Hartman's mountain zebra, giraffe, and large kudu. Among the predators, you can see a lion, a cheetah and a leopard. Birds are numerous and varied - about 340 species. The giraffe population numbers about 1,500 individuals.
We will be on guard at the watering hole to take pictures of the most unusual inhabitants of the reserve. From personal experience, this is a proven option to see hundreds of animals in one place.
We will definitely look into the western part of the park, where the famous Fairytale Forest rises, the only place in Africa where moringa grows - an "upside-down tree" growing with its roots upwards.
We return to our cozy lodge to enjoy a festive dinner at the restaurant and share our emotions with each other.
#геймдрайв #сафаримногонебывает
Today you can sleep off your fill and enjoy the atmosphere of wild Africa. And in the afternoon, if desired, everyone can go on a safari again to add to the list of animals seen in one of the largest national parks.
And we will spend the evening and New Year's Eve at the restaurant of the lodge at the festive table and in the company of such close people, proven by safari, desert and future plans.
#племя #гепарды #национальныйпарк
We will meet the sunrise in the national park, refuel with breakfast and head south-east. Today we will meet with the Himba tribe - we will learn about traditions, see national costumes, look into housing and get acquainted with national dances.
The Himba are a people of about 40,000-50,000 people living in northern Namibia. The Himba have retained their traditional beliefs, including the cult of ancestors and rituals associated with the sacred fire, which are considered an important link between the world of the living and the afterlife. The sacred fire is kept alive while the head of the tribe is alive.

Our local guide David will show and tell in detail about all the nuances and details of the modern life of the tribe - he will teach local rituals, invite them into the house and share the secret of how to keep the teeth as white as the entire tribe.
After the village of Himba, we will stop by the neighboring hacienda to meet very cute comrades - cheetahs. You can hug and take a selfie with a wild animal without threatening your life.
And then we have to move about 350 km to another national park, where we will stop at Ai Aiba - The Rock Painting Lodge. Fantastic sunsets and sunrises overlooking the mountains that resemble another planet, night guests who come to drink at a specially created lake and a company of close associates - this is the plan for tonight.
#знаменитаяарка #морскиекотики #океан
After a hearty breakfast with an interesting presentation at the lodge, we will go to the Spitzkop National Park, which has gained its Instagram fame thanks to the stone arch. But this park is not only attractive for its Instagram view.
Mount Spitskoppe, or Spitskop, was formed when part of a giant volcano collapsed. Looking closely, you can see the drawings of the Bushmen, there are especially many of them in the part of the mountain, which is called "Bushman's Paradise". Not far from Spitskoppe there is a smaller mountain - "Small Spitskoppe", reaching an altitude of 1584 m. Zebras, antelopes, cannes, gazelle-jumpers and oryxes roam the territory of the reserve.
In the afternoon we will go to the Atlantic coast. We will stop at Cape Cross - a cape on the southwestern coast of Africa, which is known as one of the largest rookeries of Cape fur seals in the world. We'll spend the night on the coast in Walvis Bay.
#морскаяпрогулка #китыидельфины
Today promises to be the most intense in emotions and adrenaline. After a traditional breakfast, we will go to the city's marina, where a catamaran and a team, led by pelicans and a fur seal, are waiting for us, ready to show whales, dolphins and the Atlantic Ocean bay.
On the way back, we will taste fresh and baked oysters with a glass of champagne, and then we will go to another fantastic place, but this time on SUVs - where the desert and the ocean meet. On the way, we will stop near pink lakes and admire flamingos.
Only in two countries huge dunes fall into the ocean, these are Namibia and Angola. In the second, you still need to somehow get to the dunes. Cries of birds, fresh ocean breezes and incredible expanses of the desert await you, which we will conquer on prepared off-road vehicles.
We will also spend the night on the coast of the Atlantic Ocean in Walvis Bay.
#млечныйпуть #ночьвпустыне
After a busy day by the ocean, we will be able to sleep and at a comfortable pace go to the Namib Desert. Today we will drive 400 km on gravel road, but every kilometer will be an ecstasy for the eyes. For lunch we will stop at a very atmospheric village where we will taste the famous apple pie.
In the late afternoon we arrive at the very atmospheric Sossusvlei Lodge. In the area for many kilometers there is nothing but sand and wild animals that walk just outside the territory of the lodge. In the evening we will enjoy a fantastic candlelit dinner and admire the Milky Way.
#рассветнадюне #сноваокеан
We will wake up very early for a proper breakfast before a busy day and set off to catch the first rays of light on Dune 45. This dune is the most popular for several reasons. The main one is the most "photogenic" dune. It is unusually simple and beautiful, moreover, it is close to the road, it is convenient to drive up to it and it is quite easy to climb onto it. The height of the dune is different - from 40 to 240 meters, but there is no clear summit.
After Dune 45 we will go to the next attraction of Namibia - the Dead Valley. One of the main natural attractions in the Namibian Naukluft National Park. Surrounded by the dunes of the Sossouflay, this clay depression sits at the bottom of a dry lake and is famous for the petrified camel acacia trees.
After lunch we will move to another city on the shores of the Atlantic Ocean - Luderitz. We will spend about 500 km on the road, so we will check into a hotel in the late afternoon.
#покинутыйгород #каньон
In the morning we will visit the city of Kolmanskop, covered with sand, where diamonds were mined earlier. Before the outbreak of the First World War, about five million carats of diamonds were found in Kolmanskop. But in 1926, another richest diamond deposit was discovered on the banks of the Orange River, where residents of Kolmanskop began to move. Since then, Kolmanskop has stood abandoned in the middle of the sandy desert. Most of the houses are almost entirely covered with sand, which we will explore and be inspired by the spirit of that time.
After lunch, we will move to Fish River Canyon, where we will stop at the fantastic Gondwana Canyon Lodge, which resembles the Flintstones village.
#фишривер #гепарды #колчанныедеревья
In the morning we go to the Fish River Canyon to meet the first rays of the sun. It is the largest canyon in Africa and also the second most visited location in Namibia. The canyon is a giant ravine, about 160 km long, up to 27 km wide and almost 550 meters deep. And the Fish River, which flows at the bottom of the canyon, is the longest river in Namibia.
After the canyon, we drive into the forest of quiver trees, where we will once again meet the cheetahs. Well, after that we drive towards the Kalahari and check in for the night at Gondwana Kalahari Anib Lodge.
Today we will have a farewell dinner, because tomorrow we will go to the airport.
#аэропорт #доновыхвстреч
Today we will hug more than usual, because this is the final day - we will take you to the airport, sign cards for each other and arrange new meetings. But if you want to extend your trip to Namibia, then we have one idea that does not require long journeys, but will give a tremendous amount of emotions.
In Windhoek, not far from the airport, our good companions run a farm with giraffes. Therefore, at your request, we can accommodate you for an extra night in an atmospheric house on the territory of the estate and organize an insta breakfast with giraffes.

Since the number of houses and places on the estate is limited, we will not be able to resettle the entire group, and this day was left optional and optional for those who value and value such an experience.
With respect to people who are saving on everything, this is not the cheapest option to travel to Namibia.
And if the price is the only thing that you pay attention to, then most likely we are not on our way. Our task is to show the maximum in a comfortable mode at a reasonable cost.
December 29 to January 8
3 450 €
Включены все трансферы, активности, билеты, проживание и питание по маршруту. Специально под праздничные дни и выходные.
December 29 to January 9
3 800 €
Everything is included, as in the first option, plus an additional day at the manor house with giraffes, which is located near Windhoek Airport.
Even more photos and live broadcasts
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